Nov 24' Natural Report Is IN!

There's a saying in the Moorish Science Temple that goes, "Every weak spirit is moving."
This phrase is often referred to, to illustrate the idea that those who are not strong in their beliefs or convictions may be easily influenced or swayed. It emphasizes the importance of having a strong spirit and conviction in one's life and actions. That's the vibes this month especially. You have to know where you stand and be firm in it because there will be a lot of clashes and situations that cause you to feel like you must compromise your beliefs in order to get by, "fit in" or "go along" with the status quo if the dying artificial matrix. In order to truly survive whats to come you have to stay 10 steps ahead, do not believe everything you hear and think. Tap into the newsletter and re-read it throughout the month. You'll find all the guidance you need to stay grounded.
Without a firm connection to The Creator, you will get lost in the sauce!!