13 And The True Earth Matrix

The True Earth Matrix aligns with the frequency of the number 13, which represents cosmic order, divine harmony, and natural cycles. In many ancient traditions, 13 is a sacred number—symbolizing the balance of creation and regeneration.
The Earth operates on cycles that resonate with the number 13—13 lunar cycles in a year, 13 weeks per season, and even 13 major joints in the human body (wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles). These patterns reflect the True Earth Matrix's connection to the divine feminine and the flow of time.
13 transcends duality (12) by introducing the one (1), a unifying force that brings harmony to the whole. It is the number of transformation, bridging the finite (Artificial Matrix) with the infinite (Soul Matrix).
The number 13 has long been associated with the divine feminine and Mother Earth, embodying creation, intuition, and cyclical renewal—the essence of the True Earth Matrix. The Artificial Matrix often seeks to suppress or demonize the number 13 (e.g., superstition around Friday the 13th). This suppression reflects a deeper effort to sever humanity’s connection to natural rhythms and the wisdom of the True Earth Matrix.
One way we align with the True Earth Matrix is following the natural skies and the Suns movement through the constellations in real time. By re-calibrating to the natural skies we help to re-balance the frequency of time on the planet. It would help us to regain control as a collective over forces that use the illusions of the artificial matrix to create reality that benefits them. A reality that benefits unity is one where the masses, a large portion of the collective consciousness, returns to nature's timing. Read more about real time astrology here.
By tuning into the frequency of 13, we realign with the natural flow of life, transcending artificial constructs and reconnecting with the infinite wisdom of Earth. This resonance helps us embody our higher purpose, live in harmony with nature, and integrate the energy of transformation and rebirth.
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